Spanish Girl Names
Here are some Spanish girl names and their meaning
or equivelant in English.
These are obviously just a selection of names that actually have an English meaning or Equivelant,
There are many more well known Spanish names that do not have equivelants or known meanings in English.
For Boy's names Click Here.
Spanish Girl Names
Alba .............. Dawn
Alicia................ Alice
Ana.................... Alexander
Angela ...... Angela/Angel
Angelita............. Little Angel
Beatriz...... Beatrice
Belen............... Bethlehem
Blanca................... White
Bonita............... Pretty
Camila...... Camilla
Cande...... Candel
Caridad...... Charity
Carla................... Carla
Carmen...... Carmen
Catalina (Cati).... Katherine (Kathy)
Carolina........ Caroline
Clarisa...... Fame
Conchita...... Conception
Consuela...... Consolation
Corazon...... Heart
Cristina...... Christine
Debora...... Debora
Deifilia...... God's daughter
Delfina...... Dolphin
Dolores...... Pains/Sorrows
Elena...... Elaine
Elisa...... Elizabeth
Emelina...... Emily
Encarnita...... Incarnation
Enriqueta...... Henrietta
Esperanza...... Hope
Estefania...... Stephany
Estrella...... Star
Felipa...... Fortunate
Francisca...... Franchesca
Genoveva...... Genovieve/Jennifer
Graciela...... Pleasing
Herminia..... Hermione
Ines...... Agnes
Isreal...... Isreal
Isabella...... Isabel
Jimena...... Gemima
Josefina...... Josephine
Juana...... Joan/Joanne
Lola...... Sorrow
Lorena...... Lorraine
Lucia...... Lucy Luisa...... Luise
Luz...... Light
Maite...... Maria-Teresa
Maria...... Mary
Marta...... Martha
Mateo...... Mathew
Matias...... Mathias
Mercedes...... Mercies
Monica...... Monica
Nieve...... Snow
Nina (Nena)...... Little Girl
Nohemi...... Naomi
Novia...... Bride/Girlfriend
Nuria...... Mary in Catalan
Ofelia...... Help
Paloma...... Dove/Pigeon
Perla...... Pearl
Pili...... Pillar
Piedad...... Mercey
Priscila (Rafa)...... Pricilla
Raquel...... Rachel
Rebeca...... Rebecca
Reina...... Queen
Rocio...... Dew
Rosa.......... Rose
Salud...... Health
Sara...... Sarah
Sofia...... Sophie
Susana...... Susan
Teresa...... Teresa
Trinidad (Trini)...... Trinity
Valencia...... Latin word for "Power"
Veronica...... Veronica
Yolanda...... Violete
Spanish girl names are no good if you have a boy!
(Boy's names) Click Here.
Spanish girl names (and boys) are a lot more common in Britain now Thanks to people like David Beckham naming his third son Cruz (Cross) but it's a lot better when you know what they mean for example Tia is a popular girl's name in Britain but it is not even a name in Spain as it means "Aunty/Aunt" Would you call your baby that if you knew before hand? Also "Mia" which Isn't a name either it just means "mine" as a in a possesion like "that's mine"! Spanish girl names sound very cool and latin but just remember these babies will grow up and have to carry their names aound all their lives so choose carefully!
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